
WANG, Minghao

Ph.D. Student
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Hong Kong SAR

Short Bio

I am currently a Ph.D. student at HKUST, working under the guidance of Prof. Jiguang WANG, co-advised by Prof. Hao CHEN. My research involves the application of biological foundation models, medical computer vision, and trustworthy machine learning.

Research Interest:


  • [Oct. 2024] Our healthcare foundation model review was accepted by IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. Thanks for all the support and guidance.
  • [Aug. 2023] I joined WangLab @ HKUST as a Ph.D. student. Start my long journey.
  • [Jul. 2023] I received my Master's Diploma at HKUST!
  • [Apr. 2023] I received a fully-funded Ph.D. offer at HKUST from Prof. Jiguang WANG!
  • [Mar. 2023] I was awarded the Excellent Student Scholarship for MSc BDT Program in AY2022/23!
  • [Jul. 2023] I joined SmartLab @ HKUST as an intern.


Publications [ Google Scholar ]

  1. Review Journal
    Yuting He, Fuxiang Huang, Xinrui Jiang, Yuxiang Nie, Minghao Wang, Jiguang Wang, Hao Chen

  2. Algorithm Journal
    Luyang Luo, Xin Huang, Minghao Wang, Zhuoyue Wan, Hao Chen

  3. Service

  4. 24 Fall HKUST Teaching Assistant: BEHI 5001 Data Science in Bioengineering.
  5. Contact

    Address: Clear Water Bay, HKUST, Hong Kong SAR
    Office Location: Rm 4573 (via lift 27/28)
    Email: me [AT] bmwang [DOT] cn

Minghao WANG | Last Update in Aug 2024